The Best Fluffy Shaving Cream Slime Recipe - A Must Try! (2025)

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Who knew that it was even possible to make slime using shaving cream? Until this craft activity, I had no idea! But once we made this Fluffy Shaving Cream Slime Recipe one time, I can promise you it’s the only slime recipe that we’re going to be making over and over again.

The Best Fluffy Shaving Cream Slime Recipe - A Must Try! (1)

First off, it’s not sticky like some other slime recipes can be. And when it says “fluffy” in the name, it means it. It’s got almost a poofy-type consistency that makes you just want to squeeze and smash it over and over again.

What I really liked about this recipe is that my arm didn’t get super tired from stirring and it formed together really easily. We even made a second batch and I was able to be pretty hands-off for the most part because it’s just that simple to make.

If you’re looking for a slime recipe that won’t leave you feeling stressed, this Shaving Cream Slime recipe is the one for you. It feels totally different than any other slime recipe out there so your kids are going to love it as well!

The Best Fluffy Shaving Cream Slime Recipe - A Must Try! (2)

Our Favorite Slime Recipe Using Shaving Cream

Materials You Need to Make Shaving Cream Slime

3 Cups of Shaving Cream
2 tbsp. of Contact lens cleaning solution
½ cup of glue
Food coloring
½ tbsp. of Borax

How to make Fluffy Slime with Borax

First, start by pouring a ½ cup of hot water into a small bowl and mixing in ½ tablespoon of Borax. Stirring it until the Borax is dissolved and then set this bowl aside.

Next, in a measuring cup, add a drop or two of food coloring to a ½ cup of white school glue, mix it well to combine the color. Then pour the colored glue into a large mixing bowl.

Add ¼ cup of water to the mixing bowl with the glue and stir lightly for a few seconds, do not worry about combining the ingredients completely.

Once the mixture is combined, pour in 2 tablespoons of contact lens cleaning solution into the bowl with the glue and water.
Then roughly measure 3 cups of shaving cream, and add it to the bowl with the glue mixture.

The Best Fluffy Shaving Cream Slime Recipe - A Must Try! (3)

Now, add 2 tablespoons Of the Borax and water mixture to the mixing bowl that contains the shaving cream and glue mixture. Stir carefully with a spatula to combine all of the ingredients and color the slime.
Slowly add in more Borax mixture a ½ tablespoon at a time until the slime no longer sticks to the sides of the bowl or your hand when you touch it.

The Best Fluffy Shaving Cream Slime Recipe - A Must Try! (4)

It took us roughly 3 ½ tablespoons of Borax mixture to get the right consistency.

Store your shaving cream slime in an airtight container.

The Best Fluffy Shaving Cream Slime Recipe - A Must Try! (5)

Yield:3 Cups of Fluffy Slime

Active Time:15 minutes

Total Time:15 minutes


Estimated Cost:$6

This Shaving Cream Slime recipe creates the perfect fluffy slime that is not it's not sticky, it has a poofy-type consistency that will leave you wanting to squeeze it again and again.


  • 3 c. Shaving cream
  • Water
  • 2 tbsp. Contact lens cleaning solution
  • ½ c. glue
  • Food coloring
  • ½ tbsp. Borax


  1. Pour a ½ cup of hot water into a small bowl and mix in ½ tbsp. Borax. Stir until the Borax is dissolved. Set this bowl aside.
  2. In a measuring cup, add a drop or two of food coloring to a ½ c. of white school glue. Mix well to combine the color.
  3. Pour the colored glue into a large mixing bowl.
  4. Add ¼ c. water to the mixing bowl with the glue and stir lightly for a few seconds. Do not worry about combining the ingredients completely.
  5. Pour in 2 tbsp. of contact lens cleaning solution into the bowl with the glue and water.
  6. Roughly measure 3 cups of shaving cream, and add it to the bowl with the glue mixture.
  7. Add 2 tbsp. Of the Borax and water mixture to the mixing bowl that contains the shaving cream and glue mixture. Stir carefully with a spatula to combine all of the ingredients and color the slime.
  8. Slowly add in more Borax mixture a ½ tbsp. At a time until the slime no longer sticks to the sides of the bowl or your hand when you touch it. It took us roughly 3 ½ tablespoons of Borax mixture to get the right consistency.
  9. Store your shaving cream slime in an airtight container.

Make sure you also check out this fun and easy 2 ingredient slime recipe!

The Best Fluffy Shaving Cream Slime Recipe - A Must Try! (2025)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.